Atherton Population (QLD)

In 2011 there were 7287 people living in Atherton. 46.6% are male and 53.4% are female. Atherton has a population of 628 indigenous people.

Atherton Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females3294.5%
Indigenous Males2994.1%
Indigenous Population6288.6%
Females born in Australia309742.5%
Males born in Australia273737.6%
People born in Australia583480.1%
Female Population388953.4%
Male Population339846.6%
Total Population7287100%

Atherton (QLD) Population Pyramid

Atherton Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 42693.7%2413.3%5107.0%
5 - 144746.5%5097.0%98313.5%
15 - 192723.7%2653.6%5377.4%
20 - 241702.3%1872.6%3574.9%
25 - 343154.3%3745.1%6899.5%
35 - 444135.7%4986.8%91112.5%
45 - 544105.6%4606.3%87011.9%
55 - 644416.1%4966.8%93712.9%
65 - 743274.5%3775.2%7049.7%
75 - 842253.1%3164.3%5417.4%